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testing dataの例文


  • The company also is testing data communications over cable lines with Intel.
  • It is based on the application of related mathematical models to testing data.
  • The measure also passed in Arizona, but too recently for concrete testing data.
  • As a result, little testing data have been collected off site.
  • The product certifier then reviews the product supplier's application information, including the testing data.
  • "You can talk about testing data endlessly, " he said.
  • Central Bucks students ranked in the top three percent in state testing data in 2004.
  • The ratings were lowered after an error was discovered in the company's internal testing data.
  • In the testing data set, the time series ended some time prior to system failure.
  • Thus, continuously sending smaller subsets ( deltas ) of masked testing data from production is important.
  • You can talk about testing data endlessly,
  • We can run NG over the same train / testing data to get an accurate benchmark too.
  • As with the TSA, the Air Transport Association is pledging to keep the testing data strictly confidential.
  • But New York's results contrast sharply with testing data from some other states that have raised standards.
  • American cars now can bypass much of the safety screening if U . S . testing data is provided.
  • Drug testing data are represented as a mean graph that displays growth inhibition in a standard bar graph representation.
  • Although Mansell's crew shared testing data with Mario Andretti's crew, the two drivers did not speak to one another.
  • Cunningham will have access to a lot of testing data before the draft, but he'll probably rely on personal observations.
  • Among other work, she reconstructed the herd book of the captive Askania Nova herd in Ukraine using parentage testing data.
  • The objective of the problem was to predict the number of remaining operational cycles before failure in the testing data set.
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